essential apps Apps

Lecture de notes solfège 3.0
Lecture de notes en solfège vous permet detravailler de manière ludique votre capacité de lire les notes enplusieurs clefs, pour pouvoir jouer d'un instrument et avancer ensolfège.- complétement personnalisable: vous pouvez choisir librementles notes que vous voulez travailler (l'ambitus en termes desolfège), sans niveaux prédéfinis.- quatre clefs: clef de sol, de fa, d'ut 3ème ligne et d'ut 4èmeligne.- deux systèmes de noms des notes: do, ré, mi.... ou A, B,C...- possibilité d'activer ou désactiver le son.Reading notes in theoryallows you to work in a fun way your ability to read the notes indifferent keys, to play an instrument and music theory in advance.- Fully customizable: you can freely choose the notes you wantto work (ambitus in terms of theory) without predefinedlevels.- Four keys: key of G to F, 3rd line of C and C 4th line.- Two notes names of systems: do, re, mi .... or A, B, C ...- Ability to enable or disable the sound.
Music Theory Tools Full 1.0
essential apps
"Music Theory Tools" contains manyexerciseswhich will help you progress in the recognition and use ofcertainkey concepts of music theory, including intervals, scalesandchords. By mastering these concepts, you will be able to use forabetter understanding of music theory, but also forimprovisationand composition.The exercises are divided into two categories: writtenmusictheory and ear training. Here are the exercises:WRITTEN THEORY• Identify a written interval• Identify a written scale• Identify a written chord• Complete a written interval• Complete a written scale• Complete a written chordEAR TRAINING• Identify an interval by ear• Identify a scale by ear• Identify a chord by earDetailed statistics are available for each exercise. Thebutton"Help", active only in case of wrong answer, allows you tobetterunderstand why your answer is wrong.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE FULL AND THE LITE VERSIONThe Lite version is much more limited: you have access totwointervals (second minor and major second), two scale types(majorscale and harmonic minor scale) and two chord types (majorchordand minor chord). By acquiring the full version, you canselect theintervals, scales or chords you want to include in anexercise.Regarding ear training, the full version gives you theability toset the number of hearings of each question, theinstrument and thetempo.Here is the list of intervals, scale types and chordtypescontained in the full version:• WRITTEN INTERVALS: minor second, major second,augmentedsecond, minor third, major third, diminished fourth,perfectfourth, augmented fourth, diminished fifth, perfectfifth,augmented fifth, minor sixth, major sixth, diminishedseventh,minor seventh, major seventh.• PLAYED INTERVALS: minor second, major second, minorthird,major third, perfect fourth, augmented fourth/diminishedfifth,perfect fifth, minor sixth, major sixth, minor seventh,majorseventh, octave.• SCALE TYPES: major scale (Ionian mode), harmonic minorscale,natural minor scale (Aeolian Mode), Dorian mode, Phrygianmode,Lydian mode, Mixolydian mode, Locrian mode, major pentatonicscale,minor pentatonic scale.• CHORD TYPES: major chord, m, dim, aug, 7, M7, M7, m7b5.
Music Theory Tools Lite 1.0
"Music Theory Tools" contains manyexerciseswhich will help you progress in the recognition and use ofcertainkey concepts of music theory, including intervals, scalesandchords. By mastering these concepts, you will be able to use forabetter understanding of music theory, but also forimprovisationand composition.The exercises are divided into two categories: writtenmusictheory and ear training. Here are the exercises:WRITTEN THEORY• Identify a written interval• Identify a written scale• Identify a written chord• Complete a written interval• Complete a written scale• Complete a written chordEAR TRAINING• Identify an interval by ear• Identify a scale by ear• Identify a chord by earDetailed statistics are available for each exercise. Thebutton"Help", active only in case of wrong answer, allows you tobetterunderstand why your answer is wrong.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE FULL AND THE LITE VERSIONThe Lite version is much more limited: you have access totwointervals (second minor and major second), two scale types(majorscale and harmonic minor scale) and two chord types (majorchordand minor chord). By acquiring the full version, you canselect theintervals, scales or chords you want to include in anexercise.Regarding ear training, the full version gives you theability toset the number of hearings of each question, theinstrument and thetempo.Here is the list of intervals, scale types and chordtypescontained in the full version:• WRITTEN INTERVALS: minor second, major second,augmentedsecond, minor third, major third, diminished fourth,perfectfourth, augmented fourth, diminished fifth, perfectfifth,augmented fifth, minor sixth, major sixth, diminishedseventh,minor seventh, major seventh.• PLAYED INTERVALS: minor second, major second, minorthird,major third, perfect fourth, augmented fourth/diminishedfifth,perfect fifth, minor sixth, major sixth, minor seventh,majorseventh, octave.• SCALE TYPES: major scale (Ionian mode), harmonic minorscale,natural minor scale (Aeolian Mode), Dorian mode, Phrygianmode,Lydian mode, Mixolydian mode, Locrian mode, major pentatonicscale,minor pentatonic scale.• CHORD TYPES: major chord, m, dim, aug, 7, M7, M7, m7b5.
Music theory toolkit Lite 1.4
This application can help you test and improveyour knowledge of music theory, in order to use them creatively inimprovisation and composition.The exercises focus on several important elements of music theory:intervals, scales and chords.Here are the exercises:- Identify an interval, scale or chord.- Complete an ascending interval, an ascending scale or achord.- Harmonize a scale.Each exercise is fully customizable: you can select the intervals,scales and chords you want to work with.Detailed statistics are available for each exercise.Lite version limitations:- Only two intervals and scales are available.- Only two exercises are available: identify an interval andidentify a scale.
Contextual ear training 1.1
This application allows to practicetherecognition of scale degrees used in a melodic phrase. This isanapproach that is most suited for tonal music. In this typeofmusic, each note of the scale has a color and a veryspecificfunction and is defined in relation to a tonal center,which is thefirst degree of the scale (the tonic). However, therecognition ofan isolated scale degree is not very useful. This iswhy theapplication provides typical musical phrases of tonallanguage. Itthus leads to recognize the degrees in succession, asis the casein a real melody. Each phrase begins with one of thenotes of thetonic chord (scale degrees 1, 3 or 5), but does notnecessarily endon one of these notes.The harmonic accompaniment is played simultaneously with themelody,because it facilitates the recognition of the role ofdifferentnotes. This holistic approach is unusual, butinteresting.Here are the available options:- You can change the tempo and the instruments used for themelodyand accompaniment.- One can also choose to work only minor or major keys, orbothtypes of tone.Five levels are available. Each level introduces one or morenewmelodic intervals.If you answer to five phrases at least and your score isgreaterthan 75%, the next level is unlocked.
Chord progs by ear 1.0
This app allows you to develop your abilitytorecognize chord progressions by ear.A short chord progression is played and you must recognizeitschords. To answer, select a chord in the list and then touchaquestion mark. Several levels are available. If you answer tofivequestions at least and your score is higher than 75%, thenextlevel is unblocked.The first two levels are available for free. The "fullversion"button in the main screen allows you to access five morelevels, bypurchasing the full version. The full version also allowsyou tomodify the instrument and the tempo. When purchasing thefullversion, the maximum number of hearings is five (three in theliteversion).Here is the complete list of the seven levels:1: Major and minor keys, triads I, IV and V.2: Major keys, all triads.3: Minor keys, all triads.4: Mixolydian mode, all triads.5: Aeolian mode, all triads.6: Dorian mode, all triads.7: Phrygian mode, all triads.
Music, rhythm workshop 2.0
Two modes are available: "explore" mode and"recognize" mode. The "explore" mode allows you to write a rhythmusing the selected rhythmic patterns and listen to it. This isuseful when you do not know how to play a written rhythm ,or whenyou want to learn rhythm by composing your own phrases, in anactive learning approach.In "recognize" mode a short rhythmic phrase is played and you haveto write it (this is called a rhythm dictation in conventionalmusic pedagogy).LITE VERSION LIMITATIONS- Only five rhythmic patterns are available in binary and ternaryrhythms.- It is not possible to modify the instrument, the tempo or themetronome settings.- In "recognize" mode, one can play the rhythm only twotimes.FULL VERSION ( "Full version" button in main screen)- Access to all rhythmic patterns.- It is possible to modify the tempo, the instrument and themetronome settings.- In "recognize" mode, one can play the rhythm five times.KNOWN BUGS- This app uses a custom font to display rhythm notation. Android5.0 (Lollipop) fails to display custom fonts. There is nothing Ican do for it, as it is due to an Android bug. If you use Android5.0, you can upgrade to a later Android version, in order to usethis app.
Music notes reading 1.3
- Four clefs: treble, bass, altoandtenor.- You can select the notes naming system: do, re, mi etc. ou A, B,Cetc.- The app is entirely customizable: you can select the lowestandthe highest note of the game.Two modes are available: "learn" and "recognize".In "learn" mode, you can select a note and display its name.In "recognize" mode, you must read the displayed notes.Toanswer, select a note name and touch the displayed note.Detailed statistics are available for each clef.A neagtive review without comment is not constructive becauseitdoes not help me to understand what you did not like in this app.Iappreciate the comments that would allow me to improve theapp.
Music Theory Toolbox 1.0
With this app you will be able to masterthemain elements of musical theory (intervals, range, chords etc.)anddevelop your musical ear, in order to improve your performancesinimprovisation and composition.Two categories of activities are proposed: dictionariesandexercises.Dictionaries allow you to learn or verify your knowledge.Theexercises allow you to test your knowledge. All exercisesareconfigurable, you can modify several parameters.Lite version limitations (you can cancel these limitationsbybuying the full version - "full version" button in thehomescreen):- a limited number of intervals, ranges and chordsareavailable.- in ear training exercises, the question can be heard onlytwice(five times in the full version).- You can not reset the statistics.- you do not have access to the general options (notenames,instrument, tempo).
Piano scales 1.1
This app offers two types of exercises andtwotypes of dictionaries:Exercises:- Recognize a scale- Find the notes of a scaleDictionaries:- Display the notes of a scale- Display the name of a scaleA wide range of scales is available: major and minor,modes,pentatonic, blues, exotic.The "full version" button on the home screen allows you tounlockall features.LITE VERSION LIMITATIONS- Only two scales are available (major and harmonic minor).- It is not possible to modify the other options (instrumentandtempo).
S2S - Stranger to Soulmate 1.5.3
- No fake people. - Best dating app. - This is speciallydesignedfor the people who is searching soulmate. - Here you canfindperfect match for you. - Very simple User Interface. - No bodycanmessage you until they have verified profile pic. - No bodycansend you consecutive messages until you reply.